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Montana, United States

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Blah blah blah blah Blog

Ha! I sometimes think that I really should post more often....and let people know whats going on in and around our lives...but I feel like I am just saying blah blah blah. ~smile~ It's just hard to imagine that anyone besides my very own Mother could really be interested. Which is funny cause I find myself reading everyone Else's and never am I bored. :)
Okay...welllll...here goes. Today Noelle and I officially got prepared to begin our new school year. She is going into the 5th grade...which by the way is so just WOW. My baby is growing up so fast. She bought a new back pack and planner today. We sorted through all of her new books (love it) and she is getting really excited to begin. Fall is in the air!!!! Yay!

More news...my nephew Daniel Horton from Port Angeles, Washington...is moving here to our town in Montana! He got hired at our Daily News Paper as Sports Writer!!! We are all very proud of him and happy that he will be getting some great experience in the career he has chosen. It will be so much fun having him around. We are praying for his Mom and Sib's to know the Lords will in there lives...we are hoping that they will follow Dan here. Please keep them in your prayers as they try and decide what will be best for there Family.

The days have been sunny and beautiful here and in the mornings it's cool. I get a thrill anticipating Fall. I can start snuggling into sweaters and watching the leaves turn color. I'll be able to hear football practice begin just up the street. We love going to the local games here. It will be fun knowing that Daniel will be writing about them in the paper.

Well enough of my blahgging for now. ")
You all have a super day!
Love Ya,