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Montana, United States

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hi Fellow Bloggers,
Guess I could try writing for a change. I would much rather entertain with photo's but I forgot to carry my camera around recently. :)
Today we are getting LOTS of SNOW!!! I love it! It's so beautiful falling from the sky. But....Kirby is on the train and Daniel flies back to Mt today and has a couple hour trip to get home. The roads are treacherous so please keep them both in your prayers. Another request is that Caleb keep working through the Winter. The rail slows down and guys get laid off. Last Winter our prayers were answered and God kept him working. Thank you so much for remembering these needs with us.
We had a party at the Furlongs on New Years Eve. They are in their new home now. It is so nice and very spacious! They have it all decorated and are settled in. It was very warm and cozy. I am happy that they are able to live in town now. Noelle is looking fwd to spending time with Hannah. We are all within walking distance once Paul and Grace move. They will be moving into an awesome historical building this month! It is such a cool place. I know that Grace and Paul are both happy about the move. Grace is learning to travel on these snowy roads. I got a below zero sleeping bag out today to put in her car. She has me telling her often that if anything happens stay in the car and call so we can go get her. Some of our weather you just don't walk in. I'm glad it's a small town and we can all get to each other quickly if there is a need.
Noelle is enjoying her Christmas break from school. She is out romping with her pup Scout right now. I should snap a few pictures. Be right back...! :) Done.
I am looking fwd to getting back to school. It makes life feel more organized somehow. I enjoy seeing her learn. She is a joy in every way. I couldn't ask for a sweeter daughter. God has sure blessed us.
The grand babies are doing great! Thomas is walking. It is so much fun watching him toddle around! You will have to check Mandies blog for the dryer story!!!!! :)
Emilie is as genius as ever...surprising all those who meet her by talking like a five year old instead of a two year old. And the things that little one comes up with to say!!! She is so entertaining! LOL They are both so beautiful. Emilie has a sleep over night every Sunday. We love having her and are looking fwd to when Tom can come too.
Noelle and I baked a lot of cookies for New Years. Lots of fun and yummy too.
The BEST news I heard last year is that Sam and Tam are going to have a baby!!! I am still reveling in the joy of that news. The hardest time of last year was loosing our Son James. I still have moments of longing for him and crying. I am thankful that he is finally well and in Heaven with God and family. I try and remember that when I am missing him. The hardest news this new year is that my very best friend from childhood lost her Father. He had a major stroke and never recovered. My heart breaks for her and her family. I spent sooooo many Sunday afternoons in there home when I was young. They are a wonderful family and he was one of the nicest men I know. Please keep the Moore family in your prayers.
I am sure that there will be some wonderful blessings coming our way this new year. I am looking fwd to seeing what will unfold. God Bless and keep you All!
Love, Me