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Montana, United States

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Paul had to say what Grace was wearing in detail...for the game. He did pretty good.

Playing Spouseology! LOL Funny. Those are mini marshmellows.

Jacob & Bekah setting up the game...I think Bekah won? She won a lot of stuff that week end! Jacob was the luckiest in SORRY card game!!!!
Kids chillen.

Prayer request. Caleb and Mandie are driving to Springs to visit her family while he is layed off work. Please pray for a safe trip and that Caleb can get back to work soon. Right now I am hearing about hard times all over the states...friends and family. I am thankul that we all have each other to hold up in prayer.
Here are a few pictures. The Doran family came to visit. We talked, played games and ate junk! Ha Ha. Good times.