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Montana, United States

Friday, February 6, 2009

Snow Snow Go Away.....

Snow snow go away...come again some other year! Don't get me wrong...I LOVE four definite seasons. But there comes a time in Winter when I am done. I am longing for a tropical Paradise where I can lay in a hammock listening to the waves. Feel the warmth of the sun, hear the giggles of my daughter a she plays in the sand or chases a crab. ~ Happy Sigh~ Oh Yeah.
Our 27 Anniversary is coming up in April and I would LOVE to surprise Kirby with a trip to Hawaii! He was born there and has always wanted to go back and visit. I know we will someday.
Hope you all are having a great day!!!!!
Love Ya!


Momma Tammi said...

Sounds absolutely wonderful...I'm thinking Guam though. ~smile~ Have a great weekend.

Grace & Co said...

I LOVE your background!! It makes me want summer even more.. I'm ready to hit a beach!

Tammy K. said...

I DO NOT miss all the snow in MT. It should be gone soon. It has not even been as cold as it has there and I am SO ready for the summer and warmth.

Rebekah Doran said...

I didn't know Bro. Kirby was born in Hawaii! Neat-O. A trip back would be so much fun.

Momma Tammi said...

Guess what it is doing here? Yep! It is snowing! I only thought we were done with it. I would really rather have the beach with nice warm, gentle tradewinds.

Nancy said...

O man! Thats a bummer Tammi! Wish I was on the beach too!!!!